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The best way to , HOW TO BE A PLAYER , , Pw2vN-o_lPE , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw2vN-o_lPE , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Pw2vN-o_lPE/hqdefault.jpg , 48462 , 5.00 , The way to turn out to be a player on this recreation that we're all playing referred to as life. If you wish to develop into a profitable participant, one of the crucial... , 1650992412 , 2022-04-26 19:00:12 , 00:05:12 , UC6Iaz96RkYE-MOjnq5NPgqw , FarFromAverage , 3112 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=Pw2vN-o_lPE , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw2vN-o_lPE, #PLAYER

45 thoughts on “

  1. I needed this Thanks for the advice, I recall hearing that we are in a game called life and the main goal is to find happiness no matter what route we take

  2. wanted to learn how to fly airplane. instructions not clear crashed in water 😵

  3. Being a Player is about supply and demand. If you’re not already naturally in a high demand without trying! Don’t worry your not missing much. The Game has plenty of mental pitfalls that come with the territory anyway. No one ever talk about this fact. Yeah all the bad habits that you don’t want to develop. The disorder’s that life long player’s aren’t capable of admitting. Because they are unaware of their own bad habits. Yet will instinctively mask the issues to compensate for the ego!) oh! Don’t think your ego will be a good voice to listen to. If ya do- please Google the dangers of the human ego.

  4. A girl past in front of me. Her head turned to me. I know that pair of eyes. That girl that reject me a few year before. She was riding with her husband but why she’s looking at me. Maybe at my car porch there’s a few car. Lol~

  5. Thankyou a lot brother, I've been watching your videos from the past few weeks, watched like 50+ of your videos & made notes out of them, after taking soo much prior knowledge about improving myself.

    I concluded that, "girls chase guys who have a purpose in life", when you have a purpose a goal, it automatically gives you confidence your self-esteem increases and you unknowingly start to attract people, girls would want to win you, man would start to respect you. So, for all my brothers out their trying to be the best version of yourself, I would recommend you to, "stop chasing women and start chasing your goals", once you begin to do that, women will start to fall in love with you.

  6. thank you so much was looking for a tutoruarl about how to become someone and this really helped alot thanxs again

  7. Thanks, keep trowing them type of videos at us. I'm not watching TV anymore. I'm 42 and feed of that.,

  8. Translation: How to get lured by scary crazy men using women as bait, who will murder the women if you don't get lured by them.

  9. I needed this right now. Thank you so much man for inspiring all of us. I'm so thankful I found your channel way back 2017. It helped me become a confident man and overcome challenges and heartbreaks in life. Don't stop what you're doing because you inspire millions of people around the world. Love your content and more power to your channel.

    Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭 👊❤

  10. I used to like your channel, until I realized that your video which are based on growth for people with vulnerabilities, uses a social validation model based on what other people perceive you and think of you. Instead of what you perceive yourself as, and grow your self to be what you deeply and truly want to be/or change. The motivational/hopeful aspect of your videos are brilliant as a content, but not educational.

    Viewers like me come here with insecurities and vulnerabilities. wanting to find a solution to our suffering [in said area]. but the "solutions" and "secrets" are fully based on social validation models. I understand we are a very sociable creatures. but for someone to grow to be what they truly want and what they perceive as "good", the trick is to grow your mind and psyche to permanently grow.

    The other reason why I do not like the growing based on the social validation model, is that feedback comes from opinions and judgment from other people, the problem is how are you sure taking feedback from others who you might not have deep connection with. Always take feedback from people who you trust your life with. the ones who protect your vulnerabilities, respect your boundaries and care about you with no trading intent.

  11. Great tips! One of the quickest ways to start winning in the game of life – is by not shying away from life’s challenges.

    The more you face them head-on, and eventually overcome them – the stronger you become – the more confident you are.

    So basically, the more courageous things you do – the more confident you become.

    The more you run away from your problems – the weaker you become!

    Anyway, that’s my two cents.
    -Carlos Verde – Dating Tips

  12. I listen to sleep sounds every night due to sleeping issues. The First Time I heard this sound. Iknew it was the real deal…. Thank you sooo so so much for sharing it. I am in Love ! Love!! Love!!!

  13. There are Movies where the Supporting characters ARE BETTER than the Main Character , What the Hell are You talking about ?? And in Some movies the Villain is more liked than "" The Hero""

  14. He always make me laugh or makes me enjoy the rest of the day VhTZ

  15. Can we just say thank you for his amazing content? RyRM

  16. This videos is the quintessence of Nietzsches quote "what does not kill us makes us stronger."

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