
How To Terraform Venus (Shortly)

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How To Terraform Venus (Quickly)
Methods to , How To Terraform Venus (Rapidly) , , G-WO-z-QuWI , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-WO-z-QuWI , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/G-WO-z-QuWI/hqdefault.jpg , 12922967 , 5.00 , Get Merch designed with ❤ from https://kgs.link/shop Join the Patreon Bird Army https://kgs.link/patreon ▽▽ More infos and ... , 1625580016 , 2021-07-06 16:00:16 , 00:12:48 , UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q , Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell , 476673 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=G-WO-z-QuWI , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-WO-z-QuWI, #Terraform #Venus #Quickly [publish_date]
#Terraform #Venus #Shortly
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  1. You want to learn more about space? Check out our space products on the kurzgesagt shop – all designed with love and produced with care.
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  2. I thought the reason mass drivers are feasible on most other planets is because they have basically no atmosphere. But Venus's atmosphere is at three bar, or 3x earth surface pressure. Unless nitrogen gas has vastly different physical properties than CO2 and O2

  3. We really do need a world government, or some close international organization like the European Union to make such a huge projects happen.

  4. this is science fiction. Realizing our stupid mistakes and overcoming climate change must happen or our civilization will die. Think of people of the Victorian age, who had arsenic in their green paint. Or the obsessions with radium, and lead and uranium. We’re the same people as them. Future generations will back and think of how stupid we were

  5. Given the incredibly high density of Venus' atmosphere it would be theoretically possible to create neutrally buoyant floating autotrophs high in the atmosphere which could slowly convert co2 into oxygen.

  6. OK so everyone is more about terraforming and such BUT what if in maybe 1200 years or so we can't the tech to move planets what if we could just yknow CREATE a planet and make THAT habitable

  7. if we're able to invent better technology, we could do this even faster. quoting henry ford, "if i asked people what they wanted, they would've said a faster horse." henry ford founded Ford, the oldest motor car company to date. Back then, customers didn't know what cars were, so their minds were limited to horses and mules and things like that. this video uses mirrors a lot, however, if we invent something even better, we could do this even faster.

  8. Too interesting but seen to fast so . . saw no mention to most importantant thing ( if not pardon interested ignorance ) , thing that keeeps earth still alive today and killed mars long time ago : no more moving tectonic plates and therefore magnetic shield .
    How to prevent bombarding from sun's gamma rays (especialy that close) and drying all water and atmosphere back in space again ?

  9. We haven't even fully explored our own planet (Antarctica for example), but yeah, were going to "terraform" another planet? Bollocks. How about we turn the Sahara desert into fertile land, or better yet, finish exploring Antarctica, then make it habitable? I didn't think so

  10. One obvious issue is that you can't use mass drivers on venus if the pressure is 4 earth atmospheres. There will be too much friction. It would be difficult even to use rockets. With that much pressure and 90% earth gravity you have to get bouyant first and then launch a rocket from higher in the atmosphere, a pain in the ass.

  11. with the steps in this video I'm tempted to believe the easiest way to terraform venus would just be to fly it really far out into the solar system

  12. I love Kurzgesagt videos – but… I'm not giving them this one. These methods seems dramatically overly-the-top. I read an article outlining a plan to terraform Venus utilizing the 'Bosch Reaction' – Introducing elemental hydrogen to CO2 to yield graphite, H2O and heat. As shown in the Solar thruster video, we whould have the theoretical tech to lift H2 off Sol and it could be packaged and fired to Venus and intoduced.

    I forget at what point it is, but there IS a critical point where the CO2 will start to rapidly dissolve into the water of the new oceans which will dramatically reduce the atmospheric pressure, which will cause more CO2 to dissolve into the H2O and so on…

    However, there is a small catch. I read a thing a while back, one thing that makes Earth so unique. While Venus has active vulcanism – it is suspected that Venus's crust is nearly twice as thick at nearly 30km and does NOT have any active plate tectonics. So the volcanic activity once started, never stops because it doesn't have moving plates to "seal" off the breaches to the mantle.

    Another theory involves it's lack of a magnetosphere and it's 212-earthday retrograde spin. It was almost certainly impacted by a protoplanet or a moon at some point early in it's lifespan much like proto-earth was impacted by Thea (which is now the Earth-Luna system). Without a Magnetosphere, solar wind will strip away the lighter portions of the tenuous portions of the upperatmosphere that contain ozone much like what happened to Mars when it's core froze millions of years ago (due to being much smaller.)

    Venus CAN be made into a second home for us – and every other living thing that shares this world. But, it should be persued as a venture of expansion and exploration – not desperation. It shoul dnot be done because we broke Earth. As they said in this video, terraforming is going to be a multigenerational commitment that will measured in decades, if not centuries. As Dr. Neill DeGrasse Tyson so elegantly says it – "It would be easier to just… fix Earth…"

  13. I like how everyone is optimistic about technology advances but this reminds me of how optimistic people where after the moon landings and saying we will have a base on the moon in no time but nasa can't even go to orbit now. I hope this isn't the same case and technology continues to advance rapidly

  14. The drones and the bots that can work and calculate infinitely better than humans will decide that actually things would run more efficiently without us anyway.

  15. Didn’t you say easy? They can’t even come out with an update on my cell phone that works. You think these fucks are capable of making self controlling drones to take ice off of Europa?

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