
Watch dwell: Easy methods to keep Europe’s power security? | World Financial Discussion board 2022

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Watch reside: Easy methods to maintain Europe’s vitality safety?  |  World Economic Discussion board 2022
Methods to , Watch reside: How you can preserve Europe's energy safety? | World Financial Discussion board 2022 , , yQkkqoMrVrY , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQkkqoMrVrY , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yQkkqoMrVrY/hqdefault.jpg , 8463 , 5.00 , The battle in Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of European Union energy provides and underlined the importance of the ... , 1653401096 , 2022-05-24 16:04:56 , 00:59:20 , UCknLrEdhRCp1aegoMqRaCZg , DW Information , 81 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=yQkkqoMrVrY , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQkkqoMrVrY, #Watch #dwell #keep #Europes #energy #safety #World #Economic #Forum [publish_date]
#Watch #reside #preserve #Europes #vitality #security #World #Financial #Discussion board
The battle in Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of European Union power provides and underlined the importance of the ...
Quelle: [source_domain]

22 thoughts on “

  1. Talking nonsense when you are lack of such resources.
    An alternate better solution is to get rid of nato and make peace with Russia!
    Sign a peaceful agreement is the cheapest and viable solution.
    mind you ruble was 74 before the war and now it is 55!

  2. When will Europe be able to free itself from Russian gas? in 2027? good luck, more like 2030, and until then he's got you by the balls.

  3. In the 30’s – 40’s The USA started restructuring their energy infrastructure to overcome the Great Depression —if building river dams in the beginning of the 20th century worked out, why turning to the new energy wouldn’t work out in the beginning of the 21st century? It’s all about the economy — new investments mean new jobs, money is at work, returns on these investments are certain, and so on and so forth.

  4. Putin has brought hunger and devastation not only to Ukraine but to the whole international community. Putin and the Russian establishment needs to be taught a lesson they did not learn in school and that it is to not bully other people. I feel that Putin and the Russian government who are bullies need to be taught a overwhelmingly powerful lesson by Ukraine on behalf of the world that bullying does not pay and there are severe consequences awaiting for them. Lets not kid ourselves that Putin can be negotiated to back down. One can only deal with.a rabid animal by putting it down. There is no other way to safe guard the peace of the world.

  5. Stop ridiculous and based on radio-phobia phaseout of nuclear power in Germany(and elsewhere, but mostly there). Keep the existing reactors running as long as possible(decided by engineering not politics). This are huge amount of gas, coal saved for each and every working hour. Restart the reactors closed with the beginning of this year. This will send the message to Russia, and also show that Germany and EU actually does care about climate change.

  6. The only solution is to burn wood of forests instead of using oil and gas! 唯一的解決方案是燃燒森林的木材而不是使用石油和天然氣!EU is in fact very weak but has been disguisted as strong for a long long time. 歐盟實際上很弱,但長期以來一直偽裝成強大。

  7. If you want to lower oil prices, stop driving around so much, ordering takeout, and buying garbage from overseas that you do not need…."the West" does not want a socialist system that fixes prices artificially.
    And besides…we had waves of oil company bankruptcies in the past and did people stand up and offer to bail them out? This is insane.

  8. Zelensky is trying to sell the last goods left in his country: grain. This is especially hazardous when Ukraine is going to face lack of new harvest because of oil prices and territory losses.

    Kiev regime is condemning its people to starvation by selling last avaliable grain to richer countries in the West. The UN must stop the humiliation of the Ukrainian people and deal with food security of Ukraine itself.

  9. "Green hydrogen" from solar panels and offshore wind in the Med to overcome the need for fossil fuels by 2027? What is this guy smoking?

  10. You see those wind turbines you know you could run them on 80 high power aultanator at 3.7kw after losses looking at around 200kv out with new graffiti tec to loads near half battery space this would run for 4 years before replace and life on the caps 20on unit to run electric motor system mining depends on required space and loads but good chance to replace fule cost on mines??NASA electric aircraft all day???.

  11. Suudi 🇸🇦 Arabistanda eskiden şimdiye kadar şeriatı getirmediler sahte din adamları prensler prensesler krallar insanlara haksızlık zulüm ediyorlar rezil oldular herkes gerçekleri gördüler ghanem aldosari ghanem show YouTube kanallarında rezil etti sahte din adamlara prenslere prenseslere krallara bütün sülalesini hepsini insanlar alay ediyorlar O yüzden kral selman ve suudiler ğaneme aldoseri idam etmek istiyorlar rezil oldukları için insanlara şeriatı getirmiyorlar

  12. What a load to B.S. These are the very people who caused the problem in a headlong rush to 'Green' energy while exposing their respective citizens to a KGB megalomaniac. The only credible person on the panel is the President of Lithuania. Lithuania understood the long-term big picture and had the grit to achieve its energy independence primary goal, getting away from Russia. That is one hour of my life I will never get back!

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